What is our mission?

Our organization aims to show the love of our lord and Savior by serving the underprivileged through financial and economical compensation.  Additionally, we're motivated by our faith to provide emergency relief by means of food, clothing, health care compensation and utility based expenditures.  On this expedition, the creation of a charitable sanctuary free of hardships with the support of our dedicated donors is one of our many goals.  With no bias we strive to achieve a future where the members of the community can join hands and become the changemakers. 

We want to help and create a better world

The members of this initiative wish to set the building blocks where no child goes to bed with an empty stomach or the basic needs for survival.  Centered around the message of our Lord and Savior, 

Our organization envisions a community powered by shared compassion and affection we have for our family in Christ our lord.  we wholeheartedly believe that everyone is equal in the eyes of the Lord.  Thus this organizations vision centers around abolishing the impact of poverty over mankind with dignity. 

Compassion and generosity bring change and a better tomorrow.  You can be the light to someone's darkness with even a small contribution.

Help us grow these numbers!